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导读 您好,今天小编胡舒来为大家解答以上的问题。英语基础训练八年级上册人教版电子书,英语基础训练八年级上册答案人教版相信很多小伙伴还不知


1、Our research team conducted a survey among the local children on how much time they usually spend per week talking with their parents. According to the survey, children spend less time having heart-to-heart talks with their parents when they grow older. For example, the 7-9 age group spends as many as 6 hours per week on average, while the 16-18 age group spends only half the time talking with their parents. 我们的团队针对当地的孩子们做了一项关于“他们每周大约花多少时间来和父母交流”的调研。



4、 There are three major reasons for this. 60% of the children think they have few topics in common with their parents. Another 20% say both parents and children are too busy working or studying to have a talk. Others even consider it useless talking with their parents, arguing that it does little good to their studies. 对于这种现象,主要是以下三点导致的。




8、 In my opinion, having regular heart-to-heart talks is a good way to form a good relationship between parents and children. As children we should first show respect to our parents, looking on them as our close friends and letting them know what we are interested in. Secondly, we should learn how to be a good listener. 在我看来,经常和父母交心、谈心,是跟父母形成良好关系的一个好方法。


