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reach out什么意思(out of reach是什么意思)

导读 今天数码之家小编天天来为大家解答以上的问题。reach out什么意思,out of reach是什么意思相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看

今天数码之家小编天天来为大家解答以上的问题。reach out什么意思,out of reach是什么意思相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、out of reachadj.够不着的;无法连络的;超出范围的深入虎穴;够不到;回天乏术例句1.is so easy to get, and sometimes it seems out of reach.是这么容易得到,有时又似乎遥不可及。

2、2.Rise gently, feeling that goes on in his head, at your fingertips, but in fact they are so out of reach.轻轻抬头,感觉那些云就在自己的头顶,触手可及,但是实际上又是那么的遥不可及。

3、3.That information, often out of reach for a frustrated toddler, carries with it a feeling of reward.那个泄气的孩童常常不知道的信息,带有一种奖赏感。

4、4.At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog.一次猫跑到最近的一棵树,上升到其分支机构,以及无法接触的任何狗。

5、5.The distance between two points is just thoughts, there is no other, as if at your fingertips, but out of reach.两点之间的距离仅仅是思念,别无其他,仿佛触手可及,却遥不可及。

